Sunday 4 January 2015

January 4th 2015: London: Imperial War Museum

Monty the Motorhome has thawed out a little, but not much. Gloomy overcast weather has returned.

Ruth and I had a lazy morning, before travelling up to visit the Imperial War Museum. In common with many other historical attractions there is just too much to take in during one visit.
With the centenary of World War One we made a beeline for that exhibition and spent about two hours following the trail that had been laid out in a chronological order, starting with the origins and ending with mess and repercussions of the post war era. The whole experience is both uplifting and depressing - courage, stupidity, ingenuity, brutality, compassion, hatred and many more human characteristics could be seen in abundance. 

The imposing entrance is dominated by two 15" naval guns, first used in  WW1, then again in WW2.

After a slice of cake we had a brief look at the Second World War exhibits, but we were both flagging and decided to call it a day and come back another time to continue with the other areas.

The central hall has a Harrier jump jet and a Spitfire suspended from the ceiling

A cold walk followed, down to the London Eye, before a tasty meal of fish and chips in All Bar One. Then back to a nice warm Monty.

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