Wednesday, 17 August 2016

August 17th 2016: Scotland: Port Logan

Monty the Motorhome is feeling a little concerned as he’s parked over a rabbit hole which could be getting enlarged on a daily basis!  The site we’re on is infested with bunnies, such that the wardens are constantly going round filling new excavations in.

The sun continued to shine today and we set off on a 7 mile round walk from the site to Port Logan on the other side of the peninsula. The first part was along the shoreline which meant trudging over  large shingles - hard work at times. Then small country lanes and farm tracks to Port Logan - a small fishing village that found fame between 2001 and 2003 when it became the fictional location for the filming of the BBC series ‘Two Thousand Acres of Sky’ - not one we watched so cannot comment anymore. Now it has the appearance of a village that is struggling to maintain it’s identity - the post office is only open part time and housed in the village hall, there are no shops and the only cafe closed some time ago. There is a pub come hotel, but that is shut for refurbishment at present and the work appears to be at a standstill.  We had our packed lunches here then headed back to our site, once again on a narrow country lane.

This amused us on the track to Port Logan
Port Logan

Tonight the wet fish man visited the site and we got a couple of sea bass fillets, which were soon fried up on the camping stove (keeping the smell well out of Monty) and served with yesterday’s left over chips and sweet corn. Then we found our home baked bara brith had gone mouldy - probably too moist and not kept in the fridge. Not sure now what pud will be from tomorrow.

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